
Peasant eggs with spinach


6 eggs

1 kg spinach,

375 ml. Milk

1/2 tablespoon flour nutmeg,


half an onion,

250 g radish,

375 ml red wine,

60 g butter,

30 ml of oil,


Method of preparation: Spinach boil for 10 minutes in boiling water. Remove from boiled and finely chop. Separately, make a sauce of flour, butter, milk, egg, salt and nutmeg. Place in well-oiled oven tray in steam so the composition to bind well. Separately, is 6 eyelets are placed on a layer of spinach. In the midst of spinach is little room for to sit a format of radishes sauteed radish cut strips, onions, a little flour, salt, fat, wine, water and greenery. Melted butter over the eggs are put. Bon Appetite!