
All Saints Church
Coordonate GPS: 44.115041,24.349555

All Saints Church is one of the oldest architectonic monuments of the city. Although the inscription written with Cyrillic characters says that „it was built by seneschal Stoica Boruzescu…beginning with June 22, 1818 and completed in September“, there are several arguments determining us to believe that the church was built in the XVI-XVII centuries.  The church is shaped as a cross, the very thick walls have small windows with iron bars, showing a fortified building used by the residents as shelter in times of turmoil.

 Of rather modest sizes, the church has several elements making this monument of cult truly unique. The very small verandah has a dome-like ceiling, leaning on four springs, and the wall separating it from the pro-nave is double; between its two sides, there is a staircase leading to the entrance to the steeple. This element, together with the small porch at the entrance and the choir balcony were built later, at the beginning of XX century. The nave and the pro-nave have the same dome-like shape supported on springs, just like the veranda, and the interior painting, distinguishes itself by the zoomorphic presentation of Saint Christopher, on the northern wall of the church. Of particular value are the exterior decorative elements, belts, recesses and the wall painting fully surrounding the upper part of the church walls. As it is very old, the church required a capital repair made by the seneschal Stroe Boruzescu in 1818. Out of subjective reasons, the person who wrote the inscription turned the repair year in building year (an impossible thing to be achieved in only two months), thus making the building ”younger “ by at least two centuries. To the left side of the verandah, under a pink marble tombstone, lies the Caracal deputy at the Ad-hoc Meeting, Ioan Dumitriu. He had been empowered by the Local Committee of the Union to go to Bucharest to support by vote the two Romanian principalities. The Deputy Ioan Dumitriu was not able to see his dream come true, as he died on January 3, 1859. When celebrating once century after the Great Union, a marble plate was placed on the church wall, as tribute brought to the deputy Ioan Dumitriu. At the entrance into the church, in 2003, a crucifix was built, for the eternal celebration of the people’s heroes.  The vicar of this church is Iagăru Mihai. The church is on the list of historical monuments with the identification code OT-II-m-B-08714.