
Polenta Cottage


mushrooms (uscate- 150g and 500g fresh)

olive oil,

2 tablespoons margarine or butter,

1 teaspoon fresh or dried parsley (leaves)

coarsely ground black pepper,


2 cups milk,

1 cup yellow cornmeal,

grated parmesan,

fresh parsley for garnish.


In a bowl and dip a cup dried mushrooms with boiling water (30 minutes). Meanwhile, cut the stalks fresh mushrooms and rinse them to remove the sand. Cut them into thin slices then. Cut onion thicker. In a pan of about 16 cm in diameter, over medium heat, fry onion in a tablespoon of olive oil and 3 tablespoons water until soft and aureşte. In the same pan, heat a little louder in hot butter or margarine and 1 teaspoon olive oil, roasted mushrooms with parsley, pepper and salt for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. While fry mushrooms, drain them dry ones, keeping a cup of the soaking liquid. Rinse them to remove sand; cut them to pieces. Put the onions in the pan again. Stir in the dried mushrooms and soaking liquid reserved from. Boil one minute until it thickens slightly. Allow to warm up prepared mamaliguta. In a large bowl, on high heat, boil milk with salt and 2 cups of water. Reduce the strength of the fire and sprinkle cornmeal gradually, stirring constantly. Boil, stirring 5 minutes or until thickened. Sprinkle Parmesan in. Serve the polenta with mushroom mixture on top. Garnish with parsley and make 3 big portions.