Romanian costumes ZONE
If our region can boast that he kept hidden in his earth treasures of the past, can not boast that kept the port as they had Gauls.
In excavations at Romula found Rheea goddess image (or Dochia as known in legends), Saturn's wife, who founded the empire pelasgic. She was the goddess protector of the city Romula - Mater Dei - and wear some sort of head or wrap cloth as sătencele goal.
La Romula Gäeea found the image of the goddess (Gaia Baba left in legends), who wore on his head as an ornament cloth, sort of like the pretzel glamnic as sătencele wore in Romania.
That circle of twig or wood, cloth worn under women signifies the crown worn by Rheea and Gäeea. Since they retain the habit of putting marriage on the head when he officiated the wedding and then stayed crown worn by royalty and even higher clergymen. The other part of the female port has changed so much, that even remotely resembles not the old Roman and Dace. Only brief retains Zănoaga carried to a common brief Dace woman. (Stephen Ricman, Romanian county Monograph Publishing Industries, Craiova, 1928, p.35).
The women's costumes of the novel, composed of silk, cloth, shirt hems, or zăvelci Vilnai, sticks, Casaca, sheepskin or Suba are among the most decorative of Oltenia. Harmony and proportions are fundamental aesthetic qualities typical of the costume Women in Romania.
For finery head of the queue conciul is mounted over a piece of metal in the shape of a truncated cone, to give more substance. Rags or files so arranged it on top conciul. From the day of marriage, women wear red fez, plain or with a black silk tassel. In some villages in the south, hat was adorned with gold or silver coins, depending on the financial situation or gold sequined headband. Files of silk or marble, ornate, wear over fez, heads thrown back or wrapped around the neck with one end in front and one in back. Beneath the silk was worn rag and bond cap or a kerchief of white linen triangular decorated with lace.
The shirts were the most widespread and decorated with wrinkled neck altitute having sewn IIa foot itself. Roman area shirts stitched with silk burgundy, navy blue sometimes, are quite rare refinement. Altitute composed of geometric point was sewn elders. Under altitute was sewn with geometric folds executed in a single color, filled with rows of butterflies arranged in zigzag. The face sleeve, from ridge was covered with embroidery oblique arranged in rows, forming small diamonds forming a more discreet setting the vertical rows. Sleeve ends with a steering wheel sewn with sinew on the sidelines. On the chest and back were arranged in rows reasons vertical groups, with different patterns sewn on the sleeve, called plates, religious seals, Brad. Hair bands from throat and mouth shirt small models had achieved a delicate termination. The foothills shirts were decorated with geometric stitching and seams dancers embodying the colors blue, red, black.
Boşcelele Romania are characteristic of the area, known as zăvelci, skirts, and vîlnicul fate, a long cloth, wrinkled waist. Boscelele two threads are woven into the warp and woof of cotton red Linic. The field is divided into several registers zăvelcii by colored stripes or lines of ornaments. At the bottom are groups did woven geometric, stylized anthropomorphic or zoomorphic, forming a decorative threshold suit perfectly harmonized. Boscelei size threshold specified age. Boscelele with geometric or stylized vegetal have worked and were held until the First World War. Between the two world wars, geometric reasons, avomorfe anthropomorphic and vegetal motifs were replaced by predominantly vine, grapes and vine leaves.
Vîlnicul is made of two rectangular sheets of fabric through which union, vîlnicul appears as an outstanding skirt with vertical willing decor. The Fund is red fabric and stripes bordering rows of motifs are brown, black, navy, worth putting cheerful color patterns chosen white, navy, red, green. By symmetry, the aesthetic quality of the decoration, geometric feature is achieved then the suit can be anything from plain Romanaţiului identified. Vîlnicul is wearing on her hips wrapped with open side face.
Sticks with waist wrap presents a polychrome decoration, consisting of groups of stripes, winding lines and eyelets. In terms of color, models are harmonized with those of the Vilna or boşcele: red, black, blue, white, green.
Spring and autumn, women dressed Casaca, a sleeveless white robe rough homespun, back straight cut from a sheet of fabric, breasts of each sheet, plus the sides, by two gussets with tip set in waist to give shape and flared shorts by two gussets, sleeve neckline from below the waist up. What characterizes casaca in terms of ornamental and color is orange-red decor with combinations of green and other colors complementary to form compact groups until the right collar pockets.
Dimie long-sleeved coats in black or white with navy Gaitan have a sober decoration, consisting of straight or slightly twisted cords arranged on the edges of the garment, the hem, cuffs and around the neck. Coats were cut so as to open the front or turtle sleeves, edged with black fur of lamb, two pockets and embroidery as rorozete edges.
Holidays are sleeveless coats, jackets until the waist, with flared shape because the two underarm gussets and open in front. The decor consists of a row of rosettes polychrome orange, red, purple, black, navy ordered on the chest and hem filled with boderii, braided leather and colored chenille. Sheepskin winter holidays is long, covering hips slightly flared shape at the bottom, open in front. A richly decorated willing shoulders, hem and cuffs, spiral executed Linic characterize this colorful costumes.
Housings bride has a special cut, with the upper body and close the waist marked by a rich ornamentation gives the impression of a spiral cord bottom is wide, made of 5 folds back forming gussets and 4 clinics extension chest. Three-quarters sleeve is an individual note. Top of the bodice has a kind of round inset, covering shoulders and back, decorated with spirals cosoaie running a braided green basil Linic called irhă and polychrome. The colors are green, black, purple, red, orange. Green and red color that is balanced in the areas large white waistcoat and black chenille give exceptional decorative balance. After World War I, the holidays and the wedding was held and another type of sheepskin, short to the waist, sleeveless, entirely covered with embroidery made as the needle stitching. The reasons are traditional spiral wave, stitched with black rosette, cherry, peach, orange, and the edges are trimmed with black fur lamb.
Women's shoes Composed sec. XIX of long woolen socks, working with two colors, red and black geometric ornaments arranged on all the visible portion and sandals, tusluci crocheted with a hook or black cloth with machine-sewn seams. From the first decades of the twentieth century,
They were worn boots and shoes.
Manly Harbour varies from village to village. The Danube wearing large hats, coats with flowers or cloth garment with crotch răfrînţi and Gaitan, boots, boots and sandals. Dacia made the harsh climate of the Romans to give up their port and take it on Dacian. Mixing with foreigners nations ruined so much folk in Romania, we can not have proof of worthiness in domestic industry inherited from our ancestors. (Stephen Ricman, Romanian county Monograph Publishing Industries, Craiova, 1928, p. 36)
Men's costume of plain Romanaţiului existence is distinguished by ornate pieces such as casaca, Suba coats with cosoaie, with a characteristic cut and refined color. The vivid colors of the belts and sheepskin coats, enhanced by white shirts and coats give a mark of special distinction tunic.
The head is covered summer straw hats, cap having a more highly than in other areas. Black cloth hats were normal form and a black ribbon.
Men's shirts are of fine cotton cloth woven with threads in two circles, thick cotton yarn grouped into equally spaced warp. Long shirts tailored to near two sheets ankle is straight and is decorated with geometric and vegetal ornaments made with white loose cotton or silk. Sometimes almost all chest is covered with ornamental lace The selection way through the wires. The same reasons are willing to collar and cuffs. On lap, Sabac chosen ornaments form a broad border. The most common reasons are the snail, cockscomb, hook back wheel, etc.
Summer wear suit pants with long shirts are made of cotton cloth woven with threads in two circles. The two sides of the pants are combined through a square that forms the tour. The bottom is decorated with a border of Sabac or crocheted lace embroidery and white. Winter trousers are made of white rough homespun tailoring law. The trousers with a waistband links wool or hemp. Around ghizdelor cuffs and a discreet ornament made with black or navy blue chenille adorns pants.
Cingătorilese wrapped around the waist decorated with tassels on top and end coasting on left hip. Girdle is of two kinds, one 40 cm wide, 7 cm another costume worn in summer holidays.
CASAC is filled with manly costume similar to that worn by the women, differing only by color ornaments, predominantly blue, the găitanelor. Outside casacelor were worn and rough homespun clothes with short sleeves, white with black or navy blue chenille, located mainly in the upper cuff of the sleeve and underarm gussets.Specific fur garments waistcoat in the area are distinguished by an elegant tailoring and rich decoration. Coats meet work, holiday and wedding.
Men have worn and clogged breastplate, decorated with cosoaie, large spiral irhă executed finely woven green and black chenille. Green wire and the black leather Gaitan grouped spirals outlined six on the front and six behind the breastplate, supplemented by other smaller and vegetal motifs embroidered with colored Linic.
Cojocea male groom is slightly longer than the holidays, tailoring as slightly flared towards the bottom, decorated in cosoaie as the bride.Between the two world wars prevail doublets fully covered with colorful embroidery Linic. Sheepskin coats and doublets beauty blends with that of shirts, dimie the belts and clothes, the scenery is great refinement.
Căluşarilor's Costumes
Căluşari game is documented since ancient times. Căluşari costume had primarily ritual significance and was not regarded as a specific local port.
It consists of a series of pieces of the costume characteristic of the area - shirt, pants, belt, sandals - plus a number of specific marks the game.
Căluşarilor worn on the head, the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, red hat decorated with colored beads and black silk tassel. Later, the fez was replaced with black felt hat decorated with multicolored beads and colored pages. Căluşarilor shirt is straight or yoke, with wide sleeves with cuff adorned with embroidery or The selection. The pants wear breeches or type căluşari are Dimi, with decorative cut wide and Gaitan in the same color.
On top of getting a shirt or a red waist belt made of sticks used to fasten narrow handkerchiefs, hand around the waist. Over chest sits diagonally, colored sticks and wearing foreman until years 40, 50 and multicolored ribbons.Căluşari shoes consists of white socks, knitted with flowers, pulled over pants and shoes. Above ankle link two or more bells.
The group consists of 9 căluşari, mute and two musicians. Since the band never căluşari flag was missing. Of these, the dumb wear masks or, more recently, his face smeared with red and black.
Outside beliefs and meanings căluşari old, the game was viewed as a show, which explains, to some extent, and concern for costume wear.
Current costume has become a natural expression changes that occurred in the dance became a ritual a show.